
Nonton Film Lion (2016) Full Movie


Nonton Film Lion (2016) Full Movie Sub Indonesia

Review Film Lion (2016) 
The first part of “Lion,” Garth Davis’s unabashedly tear-jerking movie about a remarkable real-world incident, has some of the scary, wondrous feeling of a fairy tale. The audience is invited to imagine a long-ago time — 1986, to be precise — before social media or smartphones or Google. In those days, a person could get lost, which is just what happens to a little boy named Saroo (Sunny Pawar), who accidentally travels more than 1,000 miles from his home in central India to the streets of Calcutta.

Saroo’s mother (Priyanka Bose) is a laborer in a poor village. He and his beloved older brother, Guddu (Abhishek Bharate), supplement her meager wages with whatever casual work they can find. In the first scene, they are scavenging lumps of coal to exchange for milk at the market. Later, Saroo follows Guddu to a railroad station, where the younger boy accidentally boards an out-of-service train that takes him to a city full of strangers who speak a different language.

With minimal dialogue and graceful editing, Mr. Davis and the screenwriter Luke Davies convey the Dickensian dimensions of Saroo’s situation. He is small and vulnerable, but also smart and resourceful, and even as he is exposed to horrifying cruelty, he is also a hero on an adventure. The enormous pain of his loss is sometimes mitigated by the excitement of discovery. You fear for him, and also root for him, and mostly you are captivated by his story and the sophisticated simplicity of its telling.

What happens in the second part of the movie is a little more complicated. Saroo (now played by Dev Patel) has grown to manhood as the adopted son of an Australian couple, John and Sue Brierley (David Wenham and Nicole Kidman). He has a brother, Mantosh (Divian Ladwa), who was also adopted from India and has mental health and substance-abuse problems. Despite that, Saroo seems to be living in the happily-ever-after stage of the fairy tale. He moves to Melbourne to study hotel management and falls in love with a fellow student, Lucy (Rooney Mara), from America.

But memories of his long-ago life haunt him, and the arrival of new technology raises the tantalizing possibility of a return to his first home. Using Google Earth, Saroo sets out to retrace, on the computer screen and on sheets of paper tacked to his bedroom wall, his accidental journey. It’s not a fast or easy process, and the effort takes an emotional toll on him, on his parents and on Lucy. But you know, even if you’re not familiar with the true story behind “Lion,” that the fairy tale will come true.

Mr. Davis, with strong assistance from a cast of dignified, charismatic criers and the music of Hauschka and Dustin O’Halloran, floods the viewer with big feelings. If you have ever been a child, raised a child, lost a child or met a child — or a mother — this movie will wreck you. As a purely emotional experience it succeeds without feeling too manipulative or maudlin. I mean, it is manipulative and maudlin, but in a way that seems fair and transparent.

Still, it isn’t quite satisfying. The transition from the young to the grown-up Saroo demands a shift in tone and genre that “Lion” doesn’t quite achieve. What felt in the first part like wonderful, Spielbergian simplicity feels, in the latter sections, like simplification. There isn’t enough of the rough texture of family life or the complications of young love to give the older Saroo a full identity. The movie hovers on the edge of going deeper into his psychological predicament but holds itself back.

At the end, the focus shifts from the agonies of Saroo to the glories of Google. I can’t complain too much about that; for all I know, Google brought you to this review. But I also can’t help feeling a dystopian chill amid all the warm don’t-be-evil fuzzies, a hint of corporate propaganda behind the fable. It is indeed remarkable how small the world has become, how many problems data can solve, how connected we all are to one another. But we’ve lost something, too, and we can’t even see what it is.

“Lion” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned) for sex and profanity. Running time: 1 hour 59 minutes.

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